At Play Matters we are committed to providing tailored stimulation tools and hands-on support to you and your child's caregiver. Through confident interaction both caregiver and child will be empowered to reach their full potential
We provide 4 Play Books
0-6 months
6-12 months
12-18 months
18-24 months
All books contain developmentally appropriate games designed by Occupational Therapists
The games have easy to follow instructions with pictures demonstrating how to execute the game
The programme has been designed by Occupational Therapists, teachers and moms, so you can rest assured knowing that your child is engaged in appropriate and fun daily stimulation
Benefits to your child's Caregiver
Takes the guesswork out of play
Schedules ensure planned daily play sessions
Every game explained for it's effect on your child's development
Up-skill caregivers in their knowledge and play abilities
Using toys and equipment in a variety of ways allows for an increase in the caregiver repertoire
Home visit by a trained facilitator will enhance the learning process
Participation in the programme leads to increased confidence
Games have easy to follow instructions, demonstrated through photographs
Guides provide essential information about how to engage a child in play
Benefits to your Child
Holistic and individualised programme
Using the checklists, the programme can be tailored to your baby
Games can be played at the time most suitable to your child rather than forcing your child to play at a specific time
Ensures fun engagement with caregivers
Playing appropriate games enables optimal development
Home provides a familiar learning environment
Benefits to you the Parent
Saves you time as play sessions have been planned
Saves you money as one toy is used in a variety of ways
Every game has been tried and tested
Playing at home eliminates transport and time constraint limitations of classes
Games can be executed by any of your child's caregiver
Fosters development of the relationship between the child and all caregivers
Allows you to rest assured knowing your child is receiving optimal stimulation
Takes the guesswork out of play